Considering the fact that I ask a very affordable price for my work, and (hopefully) you really like what I’m doing and respect my time, I expect you to comply to my Lessons Policy:
1. General Notes
- I never demand any advance payments before we run a test session. If you remain satisfied with the overall quality of the test call and our communication, and we mutually agree to continue – then you transfer your payment.
- If you choose ‘month plan‘ lessons, please note that you have to use 4 lessons within one calendar month, but not longer. My policy concerning ‘make-up’ lessons is provided in the next section.
- The payment must be made before the due date specified in the invoice. Once the payment is received, I will contact you to schedule our first lesson.
- The are no refunds, if I’m not responsible for your missed lessons. If you made your instant payment for a single lesson (‘flextime lesson‘) via PayPal button, but remained unsatisfied with the quality during after test session – I will issue a refund to you.
- My pricing policy is subject to change. I usually notify about any price raises one month before it takes force.
Respect my time and effort, and I make sure to deliver my best service to you in a friendly fashion! 😉
2. Month Plan Lessons
- The fee is not refundable if you decide to discontinue your lessons.
- If you feel you have to miss a lesson and notify me at least 24 hrs before the scheduled time, I WILL postpone it. However you will have to match up to available times.
- If you fail to cancel a lesson in due time, you lose it. If you cancel a lesson twice, even if you notify me beforehand, I will not make up this lesson.
- If you fail to attend a session on time, or if you take up time making the setup, I cannot make up this for you. Please make your preparations beforehand, as I do. )
- If by any chance I fail to show up, or have to miss a lesson without prior warning (which I don’t recall ever happening), then of course I will make up that time for you.
- In case we cannot run our session under circumstances beyond control (e.g. force major, Skype server malfunctioning), we simply postpone this lesson to a later time, when possible.
3. Flextime Lessons
- If you made payment for one lesson and decided to cancel and discontinue, it is not refundable.
- If you feel you going to miss a lesson, and want me to make up this time for you, a 24-hour cancellation notice is required prior to the scheduled time. A make-up lesson must be used not later than one week since cancellation.
- There’s no ‘make-up’ for a make-up lesson